从既定设计概念发展出特定视觉元素,用以串联不同规模的公共性和私密性空间,从而形成连贯、完整的空间感受,在统一性与个性化之间取得平衡,满足使用者对于空间性格的预期。Develop specific visual elements from the established design concept to connect public and private spaces of varying scales, creating a coherent and complete spatial experience. This balances unity and individuality, meeting users' expectations for the character of the space.
深圳宝安湾区产业投资大厦国际竞赛设计方案 | JKP Architects
Jaeger Kahlen Partner 是中国深圳宝安湾工业投资大厦国际竞赛的联合获奖者之一。这座地标建筑采用独特的设计方法,将打造现代化的办公空间,并增强周围的城市肌理。Jaeger Kahlen Partner is one of the joint winners of the international competition for the Bao’An Bay Industrial Investment Tower in Shenzhen, China. With a distinctive design approach, the landmark building will generate modern office spaces and enhance the surrounding urban fabric.