中文 |

极简现代 | 办公立面



The new building complex comprises two offset office towers of different heights and connecting building blocks of different heights, enclosing a green inner courtyard that provides access to all parts of the building.


整座建筑被抬高,游客可以 "穿流 "进入中庭,从而创造出一个城市公共空间。建筑群的形式与周边的高层建筑以及它们之间的空隙相呼应。

The entire building is raised, allowing visitors to "flow-through" into an atrium, thereby creating a public urban space. In its form, the complex responds to the neighboring high-rise buildings and the gaps between them.



The ground floor zone in the complex provides commercial units and plenty of open space to be used for relaxation or for simply traversing the area.
